Author | Title of the Book | Edition |
Year of
Bruyn | Paediatric Ultrasound |
1st. |
2505 |
Goodman & Gillman | Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics |
11th |
2506 |
Gupte | Recent Advances in Paediatrics (Vol. 15) |
1st. |
2505 |
Gupte | Special Edition Paediatrics Nephrology |
1st. |
2505 |
Kulkarni | Clinical Methods in Paediatrics |
1st. |
2505 |
Srivastav | Paediatric Nephrology |
4th |
2505 |
Kulkarni | Atlas of Neonatology |
1st. |
2506 |
Udwadia | Critical Care |
2nd |
2505 |
Agarwal | Emergency Medicine |
1st. |
2505 |
Fanaroff | Year Book of Neonatal & Perinatal Medicine |
1st. |
2505 |
Rennic |
4th |
2505 |
Cheng | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
1st. |
2505 |
Kliegman | Paediatric Diagnosis and Therapy |
2nd |
2504 |
Pinkerton | Paediatric Oncology |
3rd |
2504 |
Remington | Infectious Diseases of the Fetus & Newborn Infants |
6th |
2505 |
Menkes | Child Neurology |
6th |
2500 |
Spitzer | Intensive Care of the Fetus & Neonate |
2nd |
2505 |
Fisher | Paediatric Infectious Diseases |
4th |
2505 |
Avery | Diseases of the Newborn |
8th |
2505 |
Cohen | Paediatric Dermatology |
3rd |
2505 |
Guha | Neonatalogy (set of 2 volumes) |
3rd |
2505 |
Chakraborti | Paediatric Neurology |
1st |
2505 |
Cassidey | Paediatric Rheumatology |
5th |
2505 |
Leung | Paediatric Allergy |
1st. |
2503 |
Holmes | Clinical Neurophysiology of Infancy, Childhood & Adolescence |
1st. |
2506 |
Kumar | Clinical Medicine |
6th |
2505 |
Suneja | Paediatric Drug Therapy and Immunization |
1st. |
2505 |
Stiehm | Immunologic Disorder in Infant & Children |
5th. |
2504 |
Polin | Paediatric Secrets |
4th |
2505 |
Singh | Drug Dosage in children |
6th |
2504 |
Garner | Black’s Law Dictionary |
8th |
2504 |
Stockman | Year Book of Paediatrics, 2503 |
2504 |
Anderson | Paediatric Cardiology,VolI and Vol-II |
2nd |
2502 |
Arvind | Critical care in Paediatrics |
1st. |
2504 |
Behrman | Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics |
17th |
2504 |
Bersten | Ohs Intensive Care Mannual |
5th |
2503 |
Douaghy | Brain’s Diseases of the Nervous System |
11th |
2501 |
Fenichel | Clinical Paediatric Neurology |
4th |
2501 |
Fuller | Neurological Examination Made Easey |
2nd |
2500 |
Godkar | Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology |
2nd |
2503 |
Goldherger | Clinical Electrocardiography |
6th |
2502 |
Green | Paediatric Diagnosis |
6th |
2501 |
Greenwood | Medical Microbiological |
16th |
2503 |
Gupte | Recent Advances in Paediatrics Vol-14 |
2504 |
Gupte | Differential Diagnosis in Paediatrics |
4th |
2502 |
Harris | Examination-A Guide to Paediatric Training |
2nd |
2503 |
Swash | Hutchison’s Clinical Methods |
21st |
2503 |
Illingworth | The Development of the Infant & Yong Child |
9th |
2504 |
Khilani | Practical approach to Pediatric Intensive Care |
1st |
2504 |
Klaus | Care of the Highrisk Neonates |
5th |
2501 |
Lekeshwar | Textbook of Neonatal, Hematology Oncology |
1st. |
2503 |
Macnabe | Care of the Critically Ill Child |
2504 |
Marlaw | Textbook of Paediatric Nursing |
6th |
2502 |
Park | Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine |
17th |
2503 |
Park | Paediatric Cardiology |
4th |
2502 |
Perloff | The Clinical Recognition of congenital Heart Disease |
4th |
1998 |
Prajapati | Essential Procedures in Paediatrics |
1st. |
2503 |
Rao | Diagnostic Dilemmas and Decisionmaking in Paediatrics & Neonatology |
1st. |
2503 |
Rogers | Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care |
3rd. |
1996 |
Sachdev | Principles of Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies |
2nd |
2504 |
Shoemaker | Textbook of critical care |
4th |
2504 |
Wilkinson | Methodology & Techniques of Social Research |
16th |
2504 |
Cotrain | Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease |
6th |
2503 |
Mahajan | Methods in Biostatistics |
6th |
2503 |
Arvind | 150 clinical cases in Paediatrics |
1st. |
2503 |
Riyaz | Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
2nd. |
2503 |
Ghosh | Nutrition and Child Care |
2nd |
2504 |
Sachdev | Nutrition in Children |
1st. |
2504 |
Anjaish | Clinical Paediatrics |
2nd |
2503 |
Raghavendra | Paediatric History Taking and Case Presentation |
1st. |
2504 |
Ghai | Ghai Essential Paediatrics |
6th |
2504 |
MacIntyre | Mechanical Ventilation |
1st. |
2501 |
Cheesbrough | District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries |
2504 |
Pescovitz | Paediatric Endocriminology |
1st |
2504 |
Crofton and Douglas | Respiratory Diseases (Vol. I & II) |
5th |
2504 |
Kufe | Cancer Medicine (Vol.I & II) |
1st |
2503 |
Kaplan | Synopsis of Psychiatry |
9th |
2503 |
Sheila Sherlock | Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System |
11th |
2500 |
Clark | Atlas of Neonatology |
7th |
2500 |
Rom | Tuberculosis |
2nd |
2503 |
Swash | Hutchison’s Clinical Methods |
6th |
2504 |
Ghai | Ghai Essential Paediatrics |
6th |
2504 |
Health (UK) | Medicine for Children |
2nd |
2504 |
Kumar | Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease |
7th |
2504 |
Fuster | Hurst’s The Heart (Vol. I & II) |
11th |
2504 |
Wyllie | Pediatric Gastrointenstinal Disease |
2nd |
1999 |
Cook | Manson’s Tropical Diseaes |
21st |
2503 |
Ioachim | Ioachim’s Lymph Node Pathology |
3rd |
2502 |
Kasper | Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (Vol. I & II) |
16th |
2505 |
Cheesbrough | District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries (Vol. I & II) |
2504 |
Guyton | Textbook of Medical Physiology |
10th |
2504 |
Braunwald | Heart Disease |
7th |
2505 |
Gray’s | Anatomy for Students |
1st |
2505 |
Srivastava | Paediatric Nephrology |
4th |
2505 |
Russell | Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery |
24th |
2504 |
Barkin | Problem-oriented Pediatric Diagnosis |
2nd |
2501 |
Bellet | The Diagnostic approach to symptoms and signs in paediatrics |
2nd |
2502 |
Bernstein | Pediatrics for medical students |
2nd |
2503 |
Cloherty | Mannual of Neonatal Care |
5th |
2504 |
Jules | Bedside Cardiology |
5th |
1999 |
Fanaroff | Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (Vol-I&II) |
7th |
2502 |
Forfar | Textbook of Paediatrics |
6th |
2503 |
Goldsmith | Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate |
4th |
2503 |
Hagen | Textbook of Diagnostic Ultrasonography (Vol.-I&II) |
5th |
2503 |
Harper | Illustrated Biochemistry |
26th |
2503 |
Hay | Current Paediatric Diagnosis and Treatment |
16th |
2503 |
Kuhn | Caffey’s Paediatric Diagnostic Imaging (Vol.-I&II) |
10th |
2504 |
Nathan | Hamatology of Infancy and Childhood (Vol.I - II) |
6th |
2503 |
Orell | Manual & Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology |
3rd |
2503 |
Pizzo | Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology |
4th |
2502 |
Greer | Wintrobe’s Clinical Hamatology (Vol-I&II) |
11th |
2504 |
Avner | Pediatric Nephrology |
5th |
2504 |
Warrell | Essential Malariology |
4th |
2502 |
Ballard | Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn |
7th |
2500 |
Runge | Clinical MRI |
1st |
2502 |
Burg | Gillis and Kangan’s Current Paediatric Therapy - 17 |
2502 |
Pearson | Handbood of Paediatric Intensive Care |
1st |
2502 |
Avery | Neonatology and Pathophysiolgy Management of the Newborn |
5th |
1999 |
C. Palanivelu | Textbook of Surgical Laparoscopy |
1st |
2502 |
AM Murtagh Jhon | Practice Tips |
4th |
2504 |
DK Gupta | Textbook of Neonatal Surgery |
1st |
2500 |
Spitz Lewis | Surgery for undescended Tests |
1984 |
Nixon | Homewood H. Surgery for Hirschsprung’s Disease |
1985 |
HPS Sachdev & Others | Princies of Paediatrics & Neonatal Emergencies |
1st |
1994 |
PB Cotton & Others | Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy |
4th |
1996 |
GA Gregory | Pediatric Anasthesia |
3rd |
1994 |
Cloude C Ry & Others | Pediatric Clinical Gastroenterology |
4th |
1995 |
Fred M. Henreting & Others | Text Book of Pediatric emergency procedures |
1997 |
Mark C. Rogers | Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care |
3rd |
1996 |
Sheila Sherlock & Others | Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System |
10th |
1997 |
PES Palmer | Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound |
1995 |
Amit Chakravarty | Prenatal Diagnosis & Therapy |
1st |
1998 |
RN Srivastava & others | Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies |
1st |
1990 |
Philip Lanzkowsky | Manual of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology |
2nd |
1995 |
MH Klaus and Others | Care of the High risk Neonate |
4th |
1993 |
JA Walkersmith & others | Practical Pediatric Gastroenterology |
2nd |
1996 |
Vimlesh Seth | Essentials of Tuberculosis in Children |
1st |
1997 |
RK Puri & others | Tuberculosis in Children |
1st |
1994 |
PP Kelalis & others | Clinical Pediatric Urology Vol.I - II |
3rd |
1992 |
Suraj Gupta | Recent Advances in Pediatrics Special Volume Tropical Pediatrics |
1st |
1998 |
Sir J. Crofton | KB & others Clinical Tuberculosis |
1st |
1996 |
Dipak K. Guha |
Neonatology Principles & Practice
2nd |
1998 |
Dipak K Guha | Manual of Practical Newborn Care |
2nd |
1992 |
E.E. Delvin & others | Gastrointestinal Functions |
2501 |
Alain L De Weck & Others | Intestinal Immunology & food Allergey |
1995 |
Edward R Garrett & Others | Drug Fate & Metabolism |
1979 |
J.A. Smith & Others | Practical Paediatric Gastroenterology |
1983 |
Jack Insley | A Paediatric Vade – Mecum |
11th |
1986 |
S Das | A manual of Clinical Surgery |
4th |
1995 |
Ms Ramakrishnan | Paediatric Surgery |
1st |
1996 |
P.L.N.G. Rao | Problem Based Approach In Paediatric Surgery | ||
GAG Decker and Others | Surgical Anatomy |
20th |
1986 |
Ramzi S. Catran & others | Robbins Pathological Basis of Disease |
5th |
1994 |
Gerard J. Tortora & others | Principles of Anatomy and Physiology |
8th |
1996 |
Peter L. Williams & others | Gray’s Anatomy |
36th |
1980 |
K. Park | Park’s Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine |
15th |
1997 |
Arthur C. Guyton | Textbook of Medical Physiology |
6th |
1991 |
R L Bijlani | Understanding Medical Physiology |
2nd |
1997 |
Cyril A Keele & Others | Samson Wright’s Applied Physiology |
13th |
1993 |
James T Mc Donough Jr | Stedman’s Concise Medical Dictionary |
2nd |
1994 |
V Rajaraman | Fundamentals of Computers |
2nd |
1997 |
Editior in Chief | The New Encyclopaedia Britanica, Micropaedia, Vol. – I |
15th |
1984 |
P.W. Goetz & mothers | Encyclopaedia Britanica |
15th |
1984 |
Nelson | Textbook of Pediatrics, Vol-I, II |
16th |
2500 |
David | Recent Advances in Paediatrics |
2500 |
Meharban Singh | Care of the Newborn |
5th |
1999 |
Clark | Atlas of Neonatology |
7th |
2500 |
M. Singh | Pediatric Clinical Methods |
2nd |
2500 |
OG Ghai | Essential Pediatrics |
5th |
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Post Graduate Institute of Paediatrics (Sishubhawan), Cuttack, Orissa is based on manifold historic backgrounds situated on the bank of river Kathjori amidst the lush greenery.This palacial building was the center of administration during Mugul, Maratha and British regime from 1568 A.D. till independence.