
Author Title of the Book Edition
Year of
 Bruyn  Paediatric Ultrasound
 Goodman & Gillman  Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
 Gupte  Recent Advances in Paediatrics (Vol. 15)
 Gupte  Special Edition Paediatrics Nephrology
 Kulkarni  Clinical Methods in Paediatrics
 Srivastav  Paediatric Nephrology
 Kulkarni  Atlas of Neonatology
 Udwadia  Critical Care
 Agarwal  Emergency Medicine
 Fanaroff  Year Book of Neonatal & Perinatal Medicine
 Cheng  Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
 Kliegman  Paediatric Diagnosis and Therapy 
 Pinkerton  Paediatric Oncology
 Remington  Infectious Diseases of the Fetus & Newborn Infants
 Menkes  Child Neurology
 Spitzer  Intensive Care of the Fetus & Neonate
 Fisher  Paediatric Infectious Diseases
 Avery  Diseases of the Newborn
 Cohen  Paediatric Dermatology
 Guha  Neonatalogy (set of 2 volumes)
 Chakraborti  Paediatric Neurology
 Cassidey  Paediatric Rheumatology
 Leung  Paediatric Allergy
 Holmes  Clinical Neurophysiology of Infancy, Childhood &      Adolescence
 Kumar   Clinical Medicine
 Suneja  Paediatric Drug Therapy and Immunization
 Stiehm  Immunologic Disorder in Infant & Children 
 Polin  Paediatric Secrets
 Singh  Drug Dosage in children
 Garner  Black’s Law Dictionary
 Stockman  Year Book of Paediatrics, 2503
 Anderson  Paediatric Cardiology,VolI and Vol-II
 Arvind  Critical care in Paediatrics
 Behrman  Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics
 Bersten  Ohs Intensive Care Mannual
 Douaghy  Brain’s Diseases of the Nervous System
 Fenichel  Clinical Paediatric Neurology
 Fuller  Neurological Examination Made Easey
 Godkar  Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology
 Goldherger  Clinical Electrocardiography
 Green  Paediatric Diagnosis
 Greenwood  Medical Microbiological
 Gupte  Recent Advances in Paediatrics Vol-14
 Gupte  Differential Diagnosis in Paediatrics
 Harris  Examination-A Guide to Paediatric Training
 Swash  Hutchison’s Clinical Methods
 Illingworth   The Development of the Infant & Yong Child
 Khilani  Practical approach to Pediatric Intensive Care
 Klaus  Care of the Highrisk Neonates
 Lekeshwar  Textbook of Neonatal, Hematology Oncology
 Macnabe  Care of the Critically Ill Child
 Marlaw  Textbook of Paediatric Nursing
 Park   Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine
 Park  Paediatric Cardiology
 Perloff  The Clinical Recognition of congenital Heart Disease
 Prajapati  Essential Procedures in Paediatrics
 Rao  Diagnostic Dilemmas and Decisionmaking in Paediatrics & Neonatology
 Rogers  Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care
 Sachdev  Principles of Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies
 Shoemaker  Textbook of critical care
 Wilkinson  Methodology & Techniques of Social Research
 Cotrain  Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
 Mahajan  Methods in Biostatistics
 Arvind  150 clinical cases in Paediatrics
 Riyaz  Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology
 Ghosh  Nutrition and Child Care
 Sachdev  Nutrition in Children
 Anjaish  Clinical Paediatrics
 Raghavendra  Paediatric History Taking and Case Presentation
 Ghai  Ghai Essential Paediatrics
 MacIntyre  Mechanical Ventilation
 Cheesbrough  District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries
 Pescovitz  Paediatric Endocriminology
 Crofton and  Douglas  Respiratory Diseases (Vol. I & II)
 Kufe  Cancer Medicine (Vol.I & II)
 Kaplan  Synopsis of Psychiatry
 Sheila Sherlock  Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System
 Clark  Atlas of Neonatology
 Rom   Tuberculosis
 Swash  Hutchison’s Clinical Methods
 Ghai  Ghai Essential Paediatrics
 Health (UK)  Medicine for Children
 Kumar  Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease
 Fuster  Hurst’s The Heart (Vol. I & II)
 Wyllie  Pediatric Gastrointenstinal Disease
 Cook  Manson’s Tropical Diseaes
 Ioachim  Ioachim’s Lymph Node Pathology 
 Kasper  Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (Vol. I & II)
 Cheesbrough  District Laboratory Practice  in Tropical Countries (Vol. I & II)
 Guyton  Textbook of Medical Physiology
 Braunwald  Heart Disease
 Gray’s  Anatomy for Students
 Srivastava  Paediatric Nephrology
 Russell  Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery
 Barkin  Problem-oriented Pediatric Diagnosis
 Bellet  The Diagnostic approach to  symptoms and signs in paediatrics
 Bernstein  Pediatrics for medical students
 Cloherty  Mannual of Neonatal Care
 Jules  Bedside Cardiology
 Fanaroff  Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (Vol-I&II)
 Forfar  Textbook of Paediatrics
 Goldsmith  Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate
 Hagen  Textbook of Diagnostic  Ultrasonography (Vol.-I&II)
 Harper  Illustrated Biochemistry
 Hay  Current Paediatric Diagnosis and Treatment
 Kuhn  Caffey’s Paediatric Diagnostic Imaging (Vol.-I&II)
 Nathan  Hamatology of Infancy and Childhood (Vol.I - II)
 Orell  Manual & Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
 Pizzo  Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology
 Greer  Wintrobe’s Clinical  Hamatology (Vol-I&II)
 Avner  Pediatric Nephrology
 Warrell  Essential Malariology
 Ballard  Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn
 Runge  Clinical MRI
 Burg  Gillis and Kangan’s Current Paediatric Therapy - 17
 Pearson  Handbood of Paediatric Intensive Care
 Avery  Neonatology and Pathophysiolgy Management of the Newborn
 C. Palanivelu  Textbook of Surgical Laparoscopy
 AM Murtagh Jhon  Practice Tips
 DK Gupta  Textbook of Neonatal Surgery
 Spitz Lewis  Surgery for undescended Tests
 Nixon  Homewood H. Surgery for Hirschsprung’s Disease
 HPS Sachdev  & Others  Princies of Paediatrics  & Neonatal Emergencies
 PB Cotton & Others  Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
 GA Gregory  Pediatric Anasthesia  
 Cloude C Ry & Others  Pediatric Clinical Gastroenterology
 Fred M. Henreting & Others  Text Book of Pediatric  emergency procedures
 Mark C. Rogers  Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care
 Sheila Sherlock & Others  Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System
 PES Palmer  Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound
 Amit Chakravarty  Prenatal Diagnosis & Therapy
 RN Srivastava & others  Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies
 Philip Lanzkowsky  Manual of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology
 MH Klaus  and Others  Care of the High risk Neonate
 JA Walkersmith & others  Practical Pediatric Gastroenterology
 Vimlesh Seth  Essentials of Tuberculosis in Children
 RK Puri & others  Tuberculosis in Children
 PP Kelalis  & others  Clinical Pediatric Urology Vol.I - II
 Suraj Gupta  Recent Advances in Pediatrics Special Volume Tropical Pediatrics
 Sir J. Crofton   KB & others Clinical Tuberculosis
 Dipak K. Guha
 Neonatology Principles & Practice
 Dipak K Guha  Manual of Practical Newborn Care
 E.E. Delvin  & others  Gastrointestinal Functions
 Alain L De  Weck & Others  Intestinal Immunology & food Allergey
 Edward R  Garrett & Others  Drug Fate & Metabolism
 J.A. Smith  & Others  Practical Paediatric Gastroenterology
 Jack Insley  A Paediatric Vade – Mecum
 S Das  A manual of Clinical Surgery
 Ms Ramakrishnan  Paediatric Surgery
 P.L.N.G. Rao  Problem Based Approach  In Paediatric Surgery
 GAG Decker and Others  Surgical Anatomy
 Ramzi S. Catran & others  Robbins Pathological Basis of Disease
 Gerard J. Tortora & others  Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
 Peter L.  Williams & others  Gray’s Anatomy
 K. Park  Park’s Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine
 Arthur C. Guyton  Textbook of Medical Physiology
 R L Bijlani  Understanding Medical Physiology
 Cyril A Keele  & Others  Samson Wright’s Applied Physiology
 James T Mc Donough Jr  Stedman’s Concise Medical Dictionary
 V Rajaraman  Fundamentals of Computers
 Editior in Chief  The New Encyclopaedia  Britanica, Micropaedia, Vol. – I
 P.W. Goetz & mothers  Encyclopaedia Britanica
 Nelson   Textbook of Pediatrics, Vol-I, II
 David  Recent Advances in Paediatrics
 Meharban Singh  Care of the Newborn
 Clark  Atlas of Neonatology
 M. Singh  Pediatric Clinical Methods
 OG Ghai  Essential Pediatrics